Tag Archives: accountability

Book recommendation: “The Trust Edge” and “The Five Temptations of a CEO”

17 Jan

In our experience, if a business book has three ideas that are worthwhile considering and adopting, it is a good read.  That isn’t a very high threshold, to be sure, but it seems to fit for us – there aren’t many books with even three good ideas!

Here are two:

“The Trust Edge”, by David Horsager.  A couple of years old, but it covers what is perhaps an obvious component of successful leadership, yet one that is considered a given by many people.  That component is trust.

This book offers some stories, self-assessments, suggestions and tips on how to figure out what sort of trust score you have and how to improve it.  If you lead people, read it.

“The Five Tempations of a CEO”, by Patrick Lencioni.  This is a book from 1998 and might be seen by some as being not sufficiently current to be useful.  One of the most oft-cited books on leadership is “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli.  It remains relevant and instructional 500 years after being published.  So … read this book.  It is set in a style and manner that is reminiscent of “It’s a Wonderful World”; it’s a fable and a bit corny perhaps, but it talks about the most important leadership characteristics:  results, accountability, clarity, conflict, trust.  See, I tied the two books together!


Read them and let me know how they work for you.